Downtown Yoga Holistic Centre

Be the Change

Friday, August 20, 2010

Spiritual Dependency vs. Spiritual Independence

In times past, humanity was on a habitual search to connect with a higher power, a quest for structured guidance to lead us to a Supreme Divinity. Over the years, many paths became available to us, all with the same intent – ultimately, to connect our physical selves to our spiritual side. These roadways came with a variety of doctrines, customs and disciplines to implement.

We believed that handing our power over to a higher Source would develop a connection to something far greater than our physical being. We were taught to look outside ourselves for this connection. This concept gave birth to the term faith. We put our faith into something far greater than our own excellence. Hence, we searched externally and were dependent on structure and leadership for our spiritual presence. This was all we knew, for we were aware of nothing different, it was where we stood on the evolutionary ladder at that point in time.

We are now at a place where this paradigm is shifting. Humanity is rapidly evolving to a higher state of consciousness. The totality of who we are as human beings goes far beyond our physical level. The evolutionary process touches our physical body as well as our spiritual body. This heightened state of ‘being’ means we are more in tune with our spiritual side and accept it as an integral part of our total self.

More of us are realizing that we are spiritual beings before we are physical beings. As we bring this awareness into our conscious minds, we are connecting to the essence of our true selves. Once we awaken to the aspect of who we are and look internally, we then find our place in ‘all that is.’ We realize how much of an intrinsic component our spirit is within the Universe. Essentially we are moving to spiritual independence.

Transitioning from spiritual dependence to spiritual independence has caused confusion and discomfort for some. How does one accept growing out of the rules and regulations that were once ingrained in our minds and mandated by those around us? Does this make one a ‘bad person’? Not at all. It means that although structured spirituality served a purpose at one point, it may no longer resonate with you now. Simply put, you have outgrown it. You are embracing your own spiritual side as it expands. Dogmas are no longer a requisite, for you have tapped into the deep connection within yourself that links your energy to the world around you.

Spiritual tools have always been available for our growth and come to us in many forms. Once we reach a plateau in our understanding, new tools will surface for us to utilize. Many age old practices which were once reserved for highly evolved masters, teachers and sages are now becoming mainstream. We are in the midst of substantial growth. This growth will bring about balance at a soul level, complete acceptance of our total selves, and shedding patterns which no longer serve us. If you are feeling the shift from spiritual dependency to spiritual independency, know that this is all a natural part of our evolution. You are learning to embrace a larger part of yourself; the part of you which spans beyond your physical body and connects you to a greater force within the Universe. Your growth, regardless of where you are on the ladder, places you right where you need to be. For all is in Divine order.

Susan Mann
Holistic Practitioner
(905) 970-1121