Adria Vasil – Author, Columnist, Feminist, Activist, Environmentalist
How Women are Leading the Charge to Protect Our Planet - And How YOU Can Too!
7:30 pm, Brescia University College Auditorium, Admission by Donation, Free parking
Sponsored by The Circle Women’s Centre
More info: or 519-432-8353 ext. 28288
Friday 4 March
LAWC’s International Women's Day Breakfast & Auction…Speaker: Jennifer Morse - A Time for Healing
7:00 – 9:00 am; $40.00/tkt or $350/table; Best Western-Lamplighter Inn, 591 Wellington Rd. S
Sponsored by London Abused Women’s Centre
More info: Christy Floyd or
Friday 4 March
EcoFeminist Anti-Fashion Show
7:00 – 9:00 pm, APK Live (Wellington @ York)
Sponsored by Sexual Assault Centre London in partnership with the Amazon Collective
More Info: 519-439-0844
Saturday 5 March
Ecofeminist Vendor Fair: Socially Conscious Clothes, Accessories, Resources, and Feminist Materials
10am – 2pm, Brescia University College Auditorium, Free Parking
Sponsored by Sexual Assault Centre London and The Circle Women’s Centre
More info: or 519-439-0844
Saturday 5 March
Celebrating 100 Years of Inspirational Women: Through the Past, Present and Future
12 noon, Hamilton Road Senior Centre, 525 Hamilton Road
Speakers, activities and inspirational stories; all ages are welcome; a store bought potluck
Sponsored by Crouch Neighbourhood Resource Centre
More info: Megan Dell or Jacquie Carr at 519-642-7630
Saturday 5 March
Journée Internationale Des Femmes – discuter des atrocités commises à l’endroit des femmes en temps de guerre, ainsi que de la disponibilité des resources adéquates pour les aider lorsq’elles vivent au Canada.
(IWD event – discussing the atrocities committed against women in wartime and the availability of resources to assist them once they live in Canada).
2pm – 5pm, 920 Huron Street, French language event; translation services available.
RSVP to Cynthia: 519-858-0954 or
Sponsored by Carrefour des Femmes du Sud-Ouest de l’Ontario
Saturday 5 March
International Women’s Day Multicultural Dance
6-10 pm, South London Community Centre, 1119 Jalna Blvd, Women Only (age 11+)
Admission: Bring finger food & cutlery, More info: 519-686-8600
5 & 6 March
The Vagina Monologues & A Memory, a Monologue, a Rant and a Prayer
Shows @ 2pm & 7pm, $15 or 2 for $25, Althouse College Theatre
Info & tickets: &
Sponsored by V-Day Western
Tuesday 8 March
7:00 pm, Palace Theatre, Free admission. Donations accepted for Women’s Community House. Free parking available at rear of theatre
Highly regarded London actors Rod Keith and Martha Zimmerman will be reading “Camouflage” followed by an audience discussion with the playwrights Jeff Nisker and Kathy Tomanec
Thursday 10 March
This is What a Feminist Looks Like…Poetry Slam
APK Live, 8-10pm, $5.00 or pay what you can
Sponsored by the Amazon Collective and Sexual Assault Centre London
Thursday 24 March
Grand Opening - MINE 101 - Men’s and Women’s Fashion Showcase
Doors open at 6pm, show at 7pm; 900 Oxford Street E.
Sponsored by Women’s Community House
More info:
For more information:
The Circle Women's Centre
for Spirituality, Activism & the Earth
Brescia University College
London, Ontario, Canada
(519) 432-8353 ext. 28288